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Zemin İyileştirme 2

Soil Improvment

Jet Grout

     Jet grout column, 300 - 600 bar, usually 400-450 bar pressure

It is obtained by filling the cavities of the ground and compressing the mixture of sprayed water and cement. The high pressure allows the grout to deliver a high kinetic energy as it passes through the nozzles. The speed of the water-cement mixture reaches 250m / s, tearing the injection ground and joining the ground to form a cemented ground structure - soilcrete. Parameters that determine the properties of Jet grout; type of ground, fluid pressure in jet injection rod, fluid flow in jet injection rod (nozzle diameter), composition of injection syrup, jet injection rod is the pulling speed.


     There are difficulties in pile applications (forecile-mini pile) on loose soils where the ground water level is high and the applications are not economical. In this kind of loose - distressed soils, jet grout method is widely used all over the world due to its rapid and economical application. Soiltechnic is successfully using the jet grout method as well as pile applications with its advanced technological equipment and equipment.

     In recent years, the increase of large projects (multi-storey buildings, dams, bridges, coastal structures, etc.), however, the construction of more problematic soils, now brings deep foundations and / or ground improvement in most projects. Stability (bearing capacity) and deformation problems occur during constructions on soft or loose soils.


     If soil improvement is not carried out in such soils, the structure may become unusable as a result of high deformations and sometimes slip failures.


     Soil improvement is carried out in order to increase bearing capacity and to reduce liquefaction potential in loose sand soils, and to improve bearing capacity, to reduce or limit consolidation settlements.